A B O U T  U S

What we do 
We, at Reboot Escorted Tours, conduct interest based tours that begin months before the actual travel does. We organise seminars, have regular sharing of insight & knowledge regarding the destination, and we prepare the mind to travel to a place that enhances your travel experience and helps you internalise it all.

The services that Reboot Escorted Tours provide for our organised tours are:

– Assisting in flight/train bookings through a separate agency

– Creating unique, well researched itineraries based on the focus of the tour

– Taking care of logistics during the tour and escorting the group to sights. There may be times free days would be allotted to enable travellers to experience a place at their own pace/interest, but all logistics for that would be provided beforehand.

– Preparing the travellers through presentations/seminars on various aspects of the tour including the local weather, customs, clothing, food they can expect, etc.

We also offer an exlusive Hyderabad heritage experience led by Asgar Ali Khan, an architect and a descendant of the illustrious Salar Jung family, a noble family of the erstwhile Hyderabad State. 

What sets us apart 
Reboot Escorted Tours was borne out of a desire to make travel more meaningful, educative and provide travellers with a wider perspective, resulting in their being better informed citizens of the world, and having a positive influence on those around them through this experience. Therefore, none of our tours are aimed at leisure or relaxation – we firmly believe, you don’t need us for that kind of travel! Our tours are about research, pre-planning, content that attempts at disseminating knowledge and perspective even before you travel (through seminars), and while you travel (by escorts). Enthusiasm, curiosity, a desire to learn (from the tour as well as from fellow travellers’ perspective) and experience the tour to the fullest, describes those who choose to travel with us.

 Our philosophy and our aim 
We believe that true knowledge, information and exposure assimilated over time would lead to an ability to connect the dots, and thus be a positive force contributing to be a better planet. Hoping to make a difference, one tour at a time, one person at a time, and after each tour bringing you back to reality refreshed, recharged and rebooted.

 Who we are and our story so far 
Reboot Escorted Tours is a firm based in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The proprietor, Chetna Ramachandra, who also manages HR for her husband’s architectural firm, started organising architectural & heritage tours for the architectural team as well as friends, in 2006. It is from this decade long experience and interest that Reboot Escorted Tours was born in 2015. Chetna is supported by her architectural team and friends for research and presentations that are such an intrinsic part of Reboot.